Thursday, August 15, 2019

Write a report on A Science Exhibition

A Science Exhibition
-By a student.

Dakshin Barasat, June, 25: A Science Exhibition was organized in Dakshin Barasat High School, on the occasion of the foundation day of the school 24th June 2018. The Exhibition was held in our school hall. All the students attended the school. Every class was given some topics on which they prepared variety of models. The Exhibition was inaugurated by famous scientist Dr. Sujata Sinha. Then the students displayed their models and gave a demonstration. There were almost 15 sections. The concerned subject teachers helped the students to make this Exhibition an attractive one. There were some good models like magnetic crane, magnetic railway track, solar ploughing machine, home security alarm etc. The Exhibition continued up to 26th June. All the parents were invited. Food stalls and playing zone was also set-up by higher classes. On the last day of the programme, the District Science Centre gave prizes to the best three demonstrators The guardians were very proud of their children and their work. The Headmaster also praised their hard work and gave a vote of thanks to all.


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