Saturday, August 10, 2019

Write a paragraph on Global Warming in 100 words

Global Warming

Global warming is working like a demon on the earth. It is slowly but constantly heating the planet from North Pole to South Pole because of increasing temperature of the earth surface. Emitting greenhouse gases from vehicles and CFC gas from air-conditioners are very dangerous as they are empowering this demon. Such gases especially CFC erode the ozone layer and make holes which pass ultraviolet rays and affect living beings on the earth. It has affected the environment and whole atmosphere and has resulted into the huge level climate change. The worst effects of increased global temperature are melting ice. Retreat of glaciers, sea ice, more frequent extreme weather events, heat waves, heavy rainfall and snowfall, droughts, floods, ocean acidification, species extinctions, etc are some huge impacts of Global warming. In order to reduce the effect of global warming, effective societal responses are needed to be implemented and followed urgently.


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