Tuesday, August 13, 2019

M.C.Q and S.A.Q. of Asleep in the Valley

Asleep in the Valley

            Q.    Justify the title of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley.

A. Asleep in the Valley means sleeping in the valley. A very young soldier is lying on the ground of a valley open mouthed. He is lying with a gentle innocent smile. The poet thinks that the soldier is sleeping peacefully in the sunlight. The poet requests the insects not to disturb his sleep. He request the nature to keep the solder worm, otherwise he may catch cold. Suddenly to red spots of the blood are noticed by the side of his body. This depicts that the soldier is already dead. His sleep is eternal and he will never wake again. Over all we can see that the title is ironical. One may find it easily from the word “Asleep” because the soldier is not actually sleeping. He was actually a dead person, a victim of war. So the title suggests the tragedy of war.

2         Q.      Give the substance of ‘Asleep in the Valley’.

A. “Asleep in the Valley”, a symbolic poem, begins with the description of a bosky valley. A creek flows here, leaving long strands of silver on the bright grass. The sun shining from the mountain-top makes the valley bubbling with the flooded sun beams. A young, very young, soldier is found lying agape blissfully in the bushes and plants there. The nape of his neck rests on the pillow of fern. He lies fully stretched on the sun-soaked sod with his feet among the flowers. There is innocent smile about his face looking pale. Cradled in the lap of nature, he has no fear of catching cold. Buzzing insect and one of his hands being on the breast suggest the tranquility of his mind and body. But to every one’s horror and shock, a close-up view reveals two bullet wounds marked by blood in his body. Ironically, the tranquility of his mind is that of the grave.

Short Answer Type Question:
  1. What does the ‘two red holes indicate’?                                                                    Ans:The ‘two red holes’ indicate that the soldier is shot through and dead.
  2.  What does the poet request the nature?                                                                  Ans:The poet requests the nature to keep the soldier lying on the ground warm.
  3. What does the slow stream leave on the bright grass?                                            Ans:The slow stream leaves strands of silver on the bright grass.
  4. What does the smile of the young soldier suggest?                                                  Ans:The smile of the young soldier suggests that he is child-like and guileless.


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