Wednesday, July 5, 2023

L.A.Q. of Strong Roots, Long Answer Type Questions of Strong Roots, Descriptive Answer type Questions of Strong Roots, Class 12, WBCHSE

 1. Why was Abdul Kalam's mother's linage considered to be more distinguished? How did Ashiamma prove herself to be an ideal helpmate of Abdul Kalam's father?

Ans: Abdul Kalam's mother's linage was considered more distinguished because one of her forebears had been bestowed with the title of "Bahadur" by the British.

Ashiamma proved herself to be an ideal helpmate of Abdul Kalam's father Jainulabdeen by being as generous as her husband. Abdul Kalam says that he did not recall the exact number of people Ashiamma fed everyday certain that but he was quite far more outsiders ate with them than all the members of their own family put together. Moreover both of them together provided material and emotional security to their children.

2. How does Abdul Kalam describe his looks? Who made his childhood secure and how?

Ans: Abdul Kalam describes his looks by saying that he was a short boy with rather undistinguished looks born to tall and handsome parents. 

His parents made his childhood secure. His austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. However, all necessities were provided for in terms of food, medicine and clothing. In fact, all these things made his childhood very secure both emotionally and materially. Moreover, his mother loved him and took care of him so much that she usually ate with him, sitting on the floor of the kitchen.

3. Where did Abdul Kalam's father take him for evening prayers? What was Abdul Kalam totally convinced of? What would Abdul Kalam's father do to the bowls of water affered to him?

Ans: There was a very old mosque in the locality of Abdul Kalam. His father used to take him to the mosque for evening prayers.

Though Abdul Kalam had not the faintest idea of the the meaning of Arabic prayers chanted, he was totally convinced that they reached God.

When people offered bowls of water to Abdul Kalam's father, he used to dip his fingertips in them and say a prayer. The people used to carry these bowls of water to their homes to treat the invalids.

4. How do you understand that Hindus and Muslims lived amicably at Rameswaram when Abdul Kalam was child? 

Ans: When Abdul Kalam was a child, Hindus and Muslims lived in harmony. Abdul Kalam says that their locality was predominently Muslim but there were quite a number of Hindu families too, living amicably with their muslim neighbours. Moreover, Abdul Kalam says that the high priest of Rameswaram Temple, Pakshi Lakshman Sastry was a very close friend of his father and the two often sat together, each in his traditional attire, discussing spiritual matters. This was possible only in a relationship based on friendship and mutual respect. All these proves that Hindus and Muslims lived amicably.

5. What did Abdul Kalam ask his father when he was old enough? What did Abdul Kalam's father say about prayers?

Ans: When Abdul Kalam was old enough to ask questions, he asked his father about the relevance of prayers.

Regarding prayers, Abdul Kalam's father said that there is nothing mysterious about it. Rather prayer made possible a communion of the spirit between people. Jainulabdeen added that when one prays, one transcends one's body and becomes a part of the cosmos, which knows no division of wealth, age, caste or creed. By saying this to his son, Jainulabdeen tried to explain the relevance of prayers to Abdul Kalam.

6. What could Abdul Kalam's father convey easily? How did he explain to Abdul Kalam that adversity always presents opportunities for introspection?

Ans: Abdul Kalam's father could convey complex spiritual matters in very simple down to earth Tamil.

He explained to Abdul Kalam that in his own time, in his own place, in what he really is, and in the stage, he has reached, every human being is a specific element within the whole of the manifest divine being. So one should not be afraid of difficulties, sufferings and problems. In times of trouble, one should try to understand the relevance of suffering which is necessary for a person to do better afterwards. In this way, Jainulabdeen tried to make Abdul Kalam understand that adversity always presents apportunities for introspection.

7. "Why don't you say this to the people who come to you for help and advice?" - Who is the speaker? How did the person spoken to answer the question? 

Ans: The speaker of the above quoted lines is A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. 

His father Jainulabdeen answered the question by saying that whenever human beings find themselves alone, they start looking for company. Whenever they are in trouble, they look for someone to help them. Whenever they reach an impasse, they look to someone to show them the way out. Jainulabdeen offered himself as a go between in the effort of the distressed people to propitiate demonic forces with prayers and offerings. Jainulabdeen admitted that it was not the correct approach but one must understand the difference between a fear ridden vision of destiny and the vision that enables us to seek the enemy of fulfilment within oneself. 

8. What does Abdul Kalam say about his efforts to emulate his father? 

Ans: Abdul Kalam says that he has, throughout his life tried to emulate his father in his own world of science and technology. He says that he has tried to understand the fundamental truths revealed to him by his father and he feels convinced that there exists a divine power that can lift one up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure, and guide one to one's true place. Abdul Kalam adds that once an individual severs his emotional and physical bond, he is on the road to freedom, happiness and peace of mind.

9. Describe a day in the life of Abdul Kalam's father?

Ans: Abdul Kalam's father Jainulabdeen would normally start his day at 4:00 AM before dawn and offer his Namaz. Then he would walk to the coconut grave they owned and would come back with about a dozen coconuts tied and slung on his shoulders. After that he would have his breakfast and start his work. In the evening he would go to a nearby mosque to offer his prayers again and after that he would dip his fingers (and pray) in the water bowls offered to him by people of different religions. These bowls of water would then be carried home to treat the invalids. He would always help people and tell them to thank Allah.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Suppose you are the secretary of the school cultural committee. The committee is going to help the Amphan – affected victims of Bengal. Now write a notice urging student of your school to donate money as much as the can.



No. C/02/2020-21                                                                                                             Date: 28.05.2020

Sub: Help for Cyclone-affected people of West Bengal

      You all know that a number of districts in our state have been greatly affected by a violent cyclonic storm named Amphan. Thousands of people are in great distress as they are passing their days in different relief camps. The homeless people need food, clothes, medicine, drinking water and other necessary things for their survival. At this hour of crisis, it is our duty to extend our helping hands to these unfortunate people.

   The students are, therefore, requested to donate freely in cash or in kind according to their capacity for the affected people. Things like dry food packets, baby food, clothes, medicine, water pouches, pen, paper etc., may also be collected for this purpose. The students are asked to deposit their contributions at the school office on or before 10 June, 2020. All the contributions will be sent to the affected areas through Chief Minister’s Relief Fund as early as possible.

Active cooperation from all is highly solicited.

Anish Roy

School Captain

ABC High School

Countersigned by                                                                                                                        Headmaster                       


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Higher Secondary (H.S.) English Suggestions 2021

Higher Secondary (H.S.) English Suggestions 2021


The Eyes Have It 

Descriptive Answer Type Questions (D.A.Q.)
1. “Then I made a mistake”— Who made the mistake? What was the mistake? Why was it considered a mistake? How did the speaker get rid of the mistake?

2. “Yes, this is the best time,” I said, calling on my memories.—Who is the speaker? What is the best time according to him? What is the occasion of this remark? Describe the scenic beauty of the time of the place.! What does the speaker say after calling on his memories?! Why does the narrator think so? 

3. “Few girls can resist flattery.”—Who made the remark? What was the flattery? Why did the speaker say so? How did the person speak to accept the flattery?

4. “You are a very gallant young man,” — Who said this? To whom did the speaker say this? When did the speaker make this comment? What was the next immediate query of the speaker?

5. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.”—Whose reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?

6. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.”—Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they useless to her? Bring out the irony in the given line.

7. ‘You have an interesting face’—Why did the writer say so? How was it a safe remark?

8. “It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there.”—Who is the speaker? What was the ‘fascinating game’? How could the guessing game help him to keep himself away from ‘hard reality? How did it come to an end?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Write a short Paragraph on Annual sports of your school

                            Annual sports of your school

An old proverb says, "All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” Truly speaking, only study without games and sports makes the students dull and weak in mind. So now sports and games have been valued as an academic subject for regular practice. And annual sports and games are arranged as usual in each school to encourage the students to participate in sports and games more and regularly. In that respect, our school goes ahead a little more. This year, in the academic session of 2018-2019, the annual sports were held in our playground on 23rd January 2019. The play-ground was beautifully decorated with colorful flags and floral designs. And the pavilion for the players and the stage for the president, chief guest and the well-known were also decorated with flowers, colorful streamers, and balloons. The micro-phone made announcements from time to time, and songs were blown through it. Overall there was a grand festive atmosphere in the school. Then shortly after the short speech of Mr.Sen. The sports meet was started. There were a variety of events in this sports meet, such as lOO meters,2000 meters High Jump, Hurdle Race, sack Race, Bicycle Race. The Relay Race was the most thrilling and interesting one. The students were bubbling with joy and excitement. Overall it was a colorful and joyous sports meet. I think that annual sports are the students’ own festival as Saraswati Puja. Some involve in the arrangement, some participate in the sports and most rejoice it.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Write a report on Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp
-By a student.

Dakshin Barasat, 25th October: Responding to the call of humanity our Dakshin Barasat High School organized a blood donation camp in our school compound on 23rd October, 2016. The news was circulated through social network sites and local newspaper. A tent was set up. Many persons willing to donate their blood attended the camp vigorously. There were 10 beds, three experienced doctors and four nurses. They were all very much active and treated the donors quite soothingly. The student of class 12 took the responsibility of maintaining discipline. They decorated the place with banners containing the messages in favour of blood donation. The donors were given a Tiffin packet containing healthy food. They were also given cards by which they would be able to withdraw blood from the blood bank. Just before the ending of the programme our headmaster announced why our school had decided to organize this camp, who were the persons to support this work and what would be our next service camp. Giving thanks to the doctors, nurses, the students, the local persons and other supportive persons, our headmaster closed the programme.

Write a report on Tree Plantation Programme

Tree Plantation Programme
-By a student

Dakshin Barasat, 6th June: Tree Plantation Programme on the World Environment day, Dakshin Barasat High School organized a tree plantation programme. All the students under the supervision of their teachers participated in this programme. The local forest department provided 500 saplings. A procession came out from the school at about 10 a.m. The students held same banners written "Go green "One tree can save one life "Trees are our own true family etc. Then they started planting in the selected spot. Our headmaster first planted a sapling and inaugurated the programme. The students of class XI and XII took the responsibility of maintaining discipline in this programme. The teachers offered their kind suggestion to the students and supervised the Programme Many common persons were there to praise the work of the students. After the tree- plantation was completed, the students were given Tiffin-packet. The headmaster gave a short but relevant speech. The guest also said few words on the importance of tree-plantation programme. Then the programme came to an end and the students returned their home quite satisfactorily.

Write a report on A Science Exhibition

A Science Exhibition
-By a student.

Dakshin Barasat, June, 25: A Science Exhibition was organized in Dakshin Barasat High School, on the occasion of the foundation day of the school 24th June 2018. The Exhibition was held in our school hall. All the students attended the school. Every class was given some topics on which they prepared variety of models. The Exhibition was inaugurated by famous scientist Dr. Sujata Sinha. Then the students displayed their models and gave a demonstration. There were almost 15 sections. The concerned subject teachers helped the students to make this Exhibition an attractive one. There were some good models like magnetic crane, magnetic railway track, solar ploughing machine, home security alarm etc. The Exhibition continued up to 26th June. All the parents were invited. Food stalls and playing zone was also set-up by higher classes. On the last day of the programme, the District Science Centre gave prizes to the best three demonstrators The guardians were very proud of their children and their work. The Headmaster also praised their hard work and gave a vote of thanks to all.