Saturday, May 15, 2021

Higher Secondary (H.S.) English Suggestions 2021

Higher Secondary (H.S.) English Suggestions 2021


The Eyes Have It 

Descriptive Answer Type Questions (D.A.Q.)
1. “Then I made a mistake”— Who made the mistake? What was the mistake? Why was it considered a mistake? How did the speaker get rid of the mistake?

2. “Yes, this is the best time,” I said, calling on my memories.—Who is the speaker? What is the best time according to him? What is the occasion of this remark? Describe the scenic beauty of the time of the place.! What does the speaker say after calling on his memories?! Why does the narrator think so? 

3. “Few girls can resist flattery.”—Who made the remark? What was the flattery? Why did the speaker say so? How did the person speak to accept the flattery?

4. “You are a very gallant young man,” — Who said this? To whom did the speaker say this? When did the speaker make this comment? What was the next immediate query of the speaker?

5. “The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.”—Whose reverie is referred to here? What was the reverie about? How was the reverie broken?

6. “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.”—Whose eyes are referred to here? Why were they useless to her? Bring out the irony in the given line.

7. ‘You have an interesting face’—Why did the writer say so? How was it a safe remark?

8. “It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there.”—Who is the speaker? What was the ‘fascinating game’? How could the guessing game help him to keep himself away from ‘hard reality? How did it come to an end?